About the Program

The Better Decisions Program was created for people who understand that the decisions they make create their future. The better decisions we make today, the better our tomorrow will be.

It is common to see many people with their hearts in the right place in terms of goals, aspirations, and life direction; and yet, they find themselves routinely bogged down in adverse situations. This is, in part, due to their own poor decision-making skills. The fact is, most people have never been formally trained on how to use critical thinking when it comes to decision-making. That is the purpose of this program.

The Better Decisions Program approaches decisions, whether small or life-changing, with a 3-prong strategy:

  1. Entering the decision-making process: Assessing any situation that requires a decision must be done objectively. The purpose here is to help people evaluate situations by thinking in an unbiased, unemotional, and confident manner with the use of critical thinking techniques.

  2. Going through the decision-making process: It's safe to say that most people do not have a formal thought process when it comes to decision-making. They rely on past decisions, instincts, and gut feelings to determine solutions to their problems. The Better Decisions Program uses a structured decision-making process reinforced by critical thinking techniques to work through decisions in a rational way.

  3. Acting on the decision: This is where the rubber meets the road. Many times, people fail to launch their plan, let alone stick with it after they get started. Our strategy is to show people how to be more resilient in the face of adversity by executing a thoughtful and fully developed plan of action.

The Better Decisions Program is made up of 7 self-study modules. Each module contains multiple 5- to 8-minute video lessons paired with engaging exercises that work through each step of our decision-making process. Subscribers get the benefit of over 21 in-depth training videos and 20 learning exercises in the Program.

Each module builds on and enhances your decision-making abilities. First, you are introduced to a step of the Better Decisions Process, along with thoughtfully paired and highly effective critical thinking techniques. Next, you go through a series of exercises that challenge you to engage in critical thinking while applying each step of the Process.

The Better Decisions Program includes the following modules and proficiencies:

  1. Program Overview: This module introduces the foundational concepts that will enable you to:

    1. Better understand the concepts of critical thinking

    2. Apply an important critical thinking technique

    3. Learn the skills that will make you an independent thinker

    4. Follow a powerful 5-step decision-making process

    5. Evaluate the potential consequences of a decision

    6. Build mental fortitude through positive thinking techniques

  2. Assessing the Situation: The first step in making a decision is getting a thorough understanding of the situation you are dealing with. This module not only takes you through the assessment process, but it also makes you aware of how your state of mind plays a part in processing information. This module will enable you to:

    1. Recognize and overcome self-sabotaging reactions to everyday situations.

    2. Identify biases in your viewpoints and challenge yourself to keep an open mind.

    3. Become clear headed and mindful of your thoughts before reacting.

    4. Work through a logical set of questions that identifies and organizes the relevant facts of your situation.

  3. Identify Best Outcome: Every decision returns an outcome, for better or worse. This module will help you identify potential decision outcomes and their impacts. You then select the highest value outcome for your situation before moving forward. This module covers:

    1. The importance of Instant vs Delayed Gratification.

    2. Pinpointing a clear and achievable decision outcome.

    3. Establishing your highest value outcome, or decision result, using critical thinking.

    4. How to evaluate your desired outcome for unintended consequences.

    5. Working through a logical set of questions to establish the best possible outcome for your situation.

  4. Uncover All Risks: Whether you are facing a challenge or an opportunity, there is always the potential for risk. This module draws attention to the most commonly overlooked area of decision-making. In this module, you will:

    1. Consider the risks of both pursuing your desired outcome and achieving it.

    2. Establish your tolerance for acceptable risk.

    3. Ensure that a culmination of smaller risks cannot snowball into a larger problem.

  5. Create a Plan: The ability to achieve great outcomes will often go off track, or even fail, due to a lack of planning. This module provides you with a means to develop a thorough plan with a sensible timeline to execute it. This module covers:

    1. Whether or not to include others in your planning process.

    2. Designing a plan to meet your outcome requirements while avoiding your threshold for risk.

    3. Incorporating a realistically achievable timeline completes your plan.

    4. Identifying the elements key to achieving your desired outcome and prioritizing them.

    5. Considering getting expert advice on your plan before moving forward.

  6. Take Action: This module provides you with the final tools needed to make any decision a better decision. You will have access to:

    1. An illustrated model of the program that can guide you through less complex decisions, as well as the important components to consider while doing so.

    2. A complete Better Decisions Process template that walks you through more complex, high impact decisions, from start to finish.

    3. An overview of the Resources available in Module 7.

  7. Going Forward: This is where you can find the tools critical to your decision-making success all in one place. Should you wish to download or print any of the documents provided in the Program, you can find them here. We have also provided an extended version of our Mindful Moment meditation video for centering the mind for increased objectivity.


The value of consistently making each decision a little better every day is truly immeasurable. The Better Decisions Program gives you increased confidence in creating better outcomes through improved decision-making as you navigate through life's challenges. Come see what the Better Decisions Program can do for you!